Evo Gym
Kendall Martin

Kendall Martin

Kendall Martin

My specialities are strength training and teaching Savate. Savate is a traditional French martial art that implements western boxing and precision kicking with dynamic movements. While great for learning self defense and sport, Savate is also a wonderful workout. I competed in the ring over a span of 9 years and have obtained the prestigious technical rank of Silver Glove 2. My strength training experience includes over 26,000 private sessions ranging from high school and college athletes to grandparents that have never lifted before. My motivation comes from the satisfaction I get seeing clients and students gain a higher level of self esteem from the hard work they put in while allowing me to guide them.

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– Over 26,000 private strength training sessions

– USA Savate Coach

– Savate teaching rank of Aide-Moniteur

– Inductee into Laredo, TX Pugilist Hall of Fame

– 3 years as high school strength coach

– Owner of the Left Hook Savate Club as granted by the International Guild of Danse de Rue Savate

Evo Gym